Well Hello there!
So you want to know if Arizona is just all brown and desert like eh??
Moving right along..........
Some say that Arizona is just all brown and ugly. First let me tell you, yes it has brown's, tan's, red's and other colors . But by all means it is not ugly. There are many things there that are beautiful! Another thing that I want to get straightened out is that every place in Arizona isn't PHOENIX! lol Phoenix is EXTREMELY HOT and the reason for it is because it is in the Valley and not very high in elevation - best guess 1,117 feet. So yes they get those extreme hot temps because of that. The higher you go the cooler temps it gets. In Phoenix it has gotten to 125 degrees - that is way to hot for this cookie! I have been there when it was 113 degrees when I stayed with my son for a weekend. *whew* was that ever HOT! Like I said to much for this cookie and this cookie was charcoaled from that heat. lol No thank you! My brother Chris and John - you can have it!! lololol

Now if you get on Interstate 10 and head to Tucson which is about 1 hour and 45 minutes away. You are climbing in elevation - best guess for Tucson is at 2,389 feet - still gonna be hot out there and I have seen the temp go to over 100 degrees....still a little to hot for this cookie yet...But I have always loved Tucson since I visited it back when I was married to Pat in the year 2000. Something about Tucson that I just love about it! I could never live right in the middle of the city, but the outskirts would be kinda nice.

So if you catch the interstate 10 again....head to Benson area - right along side the interstate it is...Nice area - best guess for Benson elevation is 3, 583 feet. So yes you are still climbing. Benson is about 47 minutes from Tucson. Benson is very well known for Texas Canyon. Where the rocks are piled on top of each other and some look like they could roll right off...hahaha.. Beautiful area to see! Ok I have to admit the heat is still there but not as hot as the other two places I just talked about...but it can get hot and very dry here too.

Then take Hwy 90 towards Ft. Huachuca/Sierra Vista....He we go we are heading to where Don & I used to live "Huachuca City" pronounce it this way (Wa-Choo-Ca City). The elevation is 4, 345 feet above sea level and from Benson to Huachuca City it takes a half hour. I miss Huachuca City and I miss my nice little cozy home there and the nice fenced in yard so Rusty could run all over it. Also we had some fantastic neighbors as well too! As for the temps here they ranged from the 60's (spring to fall) to 95 and maybe 100 at certain times. During Monsoon season the natives say it gets very humid down there...I never felt it being that humid really. It usually gets to be like 35 to 40 % humid there....ummmmmm that isn't nothing lol until you live in the midwest and the humidity is 100 % and feels like 300% lol - ahhhh well I guess I could handle 35 to 40% of humidity more lol. Lets see....Monsoon season....Wicked lighting....rain that comes down in buckets and buckets full...floods in the washes they flood streets and more.....

(This was the wash down the street
from where we used to live.
Yes these things do flood up into
people's yards & the streets.
Some washes are different from these -
if you drive in them with your car
it takes your vehicle down it - you have to
pay BIG fines and also for the
search and rescue part too.)

GREEN EVERYWHERE IN THE DESERT!!! Woooo hoooooo! Before I moved back up here to Northern Wi. again.....Down home is was totally green everywhere, it was so BEAUTIFUL! I miss seeing the mountains everyday, that was my most favorite thing to do of all times. I also loved hearing the fighter jets fly over our place from Ft. Huachuca Army Intelligence Base. I miss all the sights there was to see and I totally miss the weather there!! I even miss going up to circle K (gas station) and going in there to get one of those little tubs of Dove Ice Cream. ( yeah I could do it here I know, but why? lol) I miss growing my roses, flowers, plum and peach trees, and a whole bunch of other things too. I miss my good friends down there and all the fun times we did with our special friends. Boy I can't wait to go back HOME to Southeastern AZ. Even in all the brown's and dust of the desert life, I just can't wait to go back. They your home is where your heart is at....well I am coming back there next fall in 2012!

Then if you go more south about 10 miles down 90 you will come to Sierra Vista and that is where the action is. lol Elevation is 5,000 feet above sea level. The temps range from 60's to High 90's in the spring thru fall. Winters are cold from 30's to 60's and yes I have been there when it was even in the 20's. But you have to remember it gets warmer towards the end of the day, but not always. Same for Huachuca City where we were living. Our family and good friends are there! We can't wait to go back to see them and be with them all. By that time we will have our home on wheels and living there once again. This is where I joined the Sierra Vista Community Chorus and yes I sing. Going to practices made my week go smooth and it gave me something to do, plus I love to sing. I had lots of friends in Chorus and I totally miss all of them!! Oh yes...there is where that "Monument Fire" was that you all seen on national tv with the extreme wildfire. I understand the areas that got burnt looks sad...it takes YEARS before it grows all back. So sad! Never did find out why it happened. If you know please leave me a comment on this blog. Thanks.
I just miss these views on these photos! Nothing like getting up in the morning and looking out your window to see the beautiful views of the mountains, or when you are so warm and you walk in the rain during monsoon season and the rain feels great. Or to watch the lighting shows. yes we even had snow in those mountains too. The joys of feeling great in Arizona because the heat felt like a great BIG heating pad around my body that hurts 365 days out of the year and 24/7 up here in the midwest because of the dampness in the air.
I miss looking these mountains!
Did we get snow??
Well yes we did and the temps where we were at got down to 20 degrees a few mornings
but you have to remember it does start warming up a little in the mid day to maybe 50 to 60. You may think that is warm, but truthfully it is cold when you your body is used to 80 to 90 degree weather, so 50 to 60 is cold.
They say if you a see a rainbow anywhere it means
that you will be back in that spot you seen it again someday.
I know FOR SURE We WILL be back!
That is rain way back there and yes those are also mountains back there too!
Are there Critters in Arizona?
Yes there is wild life that you need to be concerned about and not concerned about.
In fact Don & I have somewhere in the garage a canning jar full of rubbing alcohol with a few creatures that are dead in it to show off to people. *Laughing*
We have two Scorpions in it and a Big Cockroach in there. hahahaha
Don't worry they are DEAD!!!
Here is a funny for you:
When we were newbies down there and we heard what to watch out for and make sure you wear sandals or some type of shoes. We were told about the goat heads (thorny type of seedlings from a plant outside) Here is a photo for you to see:
These little buggers HURT!! They get caught on the bottom of the shoes and you track them into your home. This is also another reason why a lot people refuse to take off their shoes in your homes there. I don't blame them! I walked across my floor one day and one of the thorns went up into the bottom of my foot!! Oooooooo Did that smart! Never again! well maybe that wasn't funny really, but the funny thing about being a newbie down there was. Don & I at night would stand out on the porch with flashlights pointing towards the ground to see if we could see anything that came out at night. LOL
We seen these things:
They hide under rocks a lot so make sure to wear good heavy gloves when removing rocks.
Also wear shoes in Arizona. Do not play with them because they can make you sick or can cause death. Be careful! Certain colored Scorpions help you by eating bugs, but some of them are dangerous. Google "Scorpions" yes they even come into homes too. How do you get rid of them:
Click Here - Get rid of ScorpionsYes they get HUGE in Arizona!
They aren't just dirty people bugs needless to say they go anywhere there is water!
ICK!!!! They give me the creeps!!
Horny Toad
Our neighbor brought one over and he was holding it
and told us they won't hurt you and so don't kill them.
(They are cute I think)
Sonoran Desert Whiptail
These little guys move F-A-S-T!!
(Rusty ate them YUCK! He got sick several times too)
Common side Blotched Lizards
(seen many of these in our yard as well)
Now the funny story!
One night we were coming home from my parents place. We walked into our yard and I thought I seen a wild turkey feather on the ground. I bent over to get a closer look at it and it moved! I popped back up and I screeched in horror. Here it wasn't a feather is was a HUGE Lizard! It had stripes and spots on it. I did research and I found out it was some sorta Zebra Tailed Lizard! With that Don came running to look at it and so it came towards him, so Don grabbed a shovel and started smacking it. The lizard got MAD and got very aggressive and ran after Don. I have never heard my husband scream in horror before and he did!! The darn thing chased after him and Don ran towards the porch where I was. I was laughing and screaming at once. lol Then smack finally got it and it left a blood trail. Don said it went behind something we had on the patio and he said just leave it alone and we will find out about it in the morning. Here is the lizard I saw:
In the morning it was gone!
Either something ate it or it wasn't dead yet!
We never seen it again!
Wild Turkey
Mule Deer
(many people go hunting for white tailed deer in another part of Arizona)

Javelina's are southern Arizona's "wild pigs,"
technically not pigs, but "collarded peccaries"
Cute babies....but don't cross a mad parent Javelina
because their tusks can do so major damage.
And oh yes I can't forget my little neighbor that I about stepped on one day trying to get to my shed and then I saw the ground move. EEK! I hate spiders!!I again screamed and ran for the porch! LOL So I figure I would get the camera and zoom this spidey in!
I did just that!
See here:
Tarantula of some sort - I didn't bother it and it didn't bother me either!
The joys of living in the Soronan Desert!
No I never saw a "snake."
No I never saw a Gila Monster either!
I didn't go looking for them things and I wouldn't either!