Where did we go camping at?
We went up to Ojibwa Park - it used to be a State Park but the legion took it over. It is $10.00 without electric and $15.00 with electric. We stayed Friday and Saturday night. Beautiful wooded, Nice & Big campsites, asphalt sites for trailers,campers, and motor homes. The tent sites are up in the middle and they aren't to bad either. Clean Pit toilet's. There is drinking water spouts, and there is even a place that you can dump your septic, free for campers that are staying there otherwise you have to pay $5.00. There is a trail to go down to the park near the pavilion, that way kids have things to do. Then if you go out of the park across the highway you have the Couderay river to fish in, tube down, canoeing and more. We really like it there a lot! There is even a trail to get to the Tuscobia Trail to go atv'ing, that our come camping after you have been on the trails. We figure that is the area we like to be at, it is comfy.
The smell of cool fresh air
Glaring at the blazing fire flair
Wood crackling as it quickly burns
Flames burst high without any concerns
Blanket laid out for two
Radio playing or favorite blues
Marshmallows roasting over flame
Our tender love we shall reclaim
Clouds grew dark and gray
Under the moon lit sky we lay
A passionate kiss as we share our love
Under the glistening stars above
While we were out there our son Donald Jr. came to see us and also Don's brother Ken. This campground is not that far from Winter WI. on Hwy 70 & then we went to Donald's for abit too. I didn't get to see my buddy Alex because he was out and about. Alex is cool!
Here is a photo of my friend Alex even though we didn't get to see him.
Alex & Rusty are buddies now.
Then we later on Don's brother came over to our campsite :-)
Kenny walking Rusty
Don, Ken, & Rusty
(PS: I am always behind the camera)
Now we are just hanging out at the camp..It was to cold this weekend to really go on the ATV so we never did go for a ride on it. (ha ha I have no idea what Don was doing)

Don has to find a hobby soon.
Boredom sets in - he said that would have been better if we had someone camping with us. I am so used to finding things to do, I sat and painted with my watercolors. I painted these below:
For Sale: Picture 8x10 Matted and Framed $130.00
FOR SALE: Picture 8x10 Matted & Framed $125.00So you see I can find lots of things to do and I went out and took Nature photos also:
Here are some of them:
Don's favorite photo because it show the ATV in it. lol
Then we went to get Donald Jr. came over we decided to try to go fishing. DJ caught a small northern pike, I didn't get a pic of it :( They threw it back because I told them it was to small and there wasn't anything on it to eat.

The Lake in Winter, Wi.
It was so cold & windy that day that I decided I would rather sit in the truck with Rusty then getting all cold. The guys didn't last long fishing either. Brrrrrrrrrrrr
Mz.Sassie zonked out
(They love the MH!!)
This is Mr. Slinky's spot now.
Now we were trying to get everything ready to go back home on Sunday. Sassie is looking for a place to hide. This is very different riding in a Class A Motor home then it is in a truck pulling a camper. Very Different!
We had a great time just sitting back and relaxing even if we didn't go atv'ing.
We are going to go camping one more time before we store it.