Well it is the month of May and this is when the Campers start to roll in at all Campgrounds all over. We are also getting to watch spring come in too. The trees have "lots" of buds on them and some little teensy leaves. Ah tis that time of year which is the hayfever/allergy season is upon us. Time to get out that allergy medicine again. *laughing"Oh yes and I can't forget the favorite bird of Wisconsin either "the Mosquito" *laughing*. And ah yes the worst enemy is at best this year -The "Ticks." Well tis that time of season for the famous camping insects to have their meals on you! hahaha
This is a weekend we had been very busy and had a laughing good time. My step daughter & Mark stayed with us out here at Whitetail Ridge Campground. We warned them about the cold temps and all, but they had no fear they said, Brrrrr. And it got COLD out there at night. They had a nice 4 man tent outside here and Don put a waterproof spray on it just in case it rained.
4 person tent - NICE!!
We weren't able to go on the ATV's any where because Don is still working on one of them. He wants to get it up and working right before my parents gets here. Then after that we will take anyone out ATV'ing with us, you just pay for gas on the one you are riding if you ride with us. Deal! We believe it is!
So anyways...This was to be a great weekend to spend quality time with Marsha & Mark. We got to see many changes in Marsha (PROUD of you) and we got to visit with Mark more. We did some fun things with them. We took them up to the FREE campsites up along the Namekogon River where we camped with DJ and also Chrissy last year. Here are some photos of the Namekogon river right now. The water is up high!
It is going to be FUN this year because we hope our plans work that all of our friends and family will finally go down the river with us all together this time. Just so you all know we are planning to leave Sept. 23 for AZ. So please lets all get together at once and go floating! We can't forget Rusty!!
Then Marsha and I walked around the campsites so I could show her the nice sites. She loved the one in the back corner but that is Mosquito Haven! While Mark was on the phone with his attorney. Then we walked over to the River where the guys were.
"The guys were talking about fishing and swimming in the water. We told them if they stay there that in order to take a bath you need to get in the water, but you cannot go NUDE! LOL if you do you will get caught with a HUGE fine and jail. BIG no no! Get in with clothes or suit or no get in it. But right now it would be a get in and get out FAST! To cold yet!!! BRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr (That water is ALWAYS freezing that it numbs your butt in the tube, by that time you don't feel anything *laughing*) Oh yeah wear shoes or you will have leaches all over your feet! YUCK!
Then we headed out and we stopped by the Artesian well...Yes a natural Spring - FREE Water for all! Excellent drinking water!
Mark & Marsha walking to Natural Spring
Marsha having fun!!
Mark "Hi y'all"
Flowers along the trail
Then Mark was telling us a story of a natural spring in Mississippi where someone found a round stone and they cracked it open and found a piece of gold in it. Well here is Mark searching for gold in the rocks. Marsha and I laughed so hard, Mark is funny!
"This is where the Fairies live"
Such a peaceful place and so quiet. So Natural!
On Thursday afternoon my good friend Sue come over to see us. She however didn't stay long but we got to sit and chit chat for awhile. Which was nice.
The next day rolls around - FRIDAY is the Meat Raffle here at Whitetail Ridge Campground. Don bought a few numbered paint sticks and I bought one also. I said to myself when I bought one "This is my lucky dollar it is my winner!" Ah Ha! I won!! I brought home a BIG package of Bratwurst made by Louie's Meat market in Cumberland. Yessss!
Then Don won two Sirloin Steaks!
The numbered paint sticks are $1.00 a piece.
(See you pick a number then they have a spinner on the wall. The first spin is for a free drink at the bar - yes we both have won free drinks - then the second spin is for meat)
Don waiting patiently.
Then we waited and waited for Mark & Marsha to come down and nothing there for awhile. It was a wet and rainy day and we didn't think they got much sleep the night before. (How can one stay up till ungodly hours of the night and then feel good the next day. - this is not unsual for kids to do this, they are to much of night owls and so they go everywhere at later in the evening.) We (Don & I) MUST have our sleep to feel good the next day. Or we tend to be very grouchy.
Finally Marsha got done taking her nap and her and Mark came down. They didn't realize that you had to pay to play so they found 75 cents and I handed Marsha a quarter and said this is your lucky quarter. WALLA! They WON!! They got some summer sausage!!
What a good night after all!
Later that evening we played Phase 10 with them. We were all having a good time till Marsha and Dad decided to have a tiff about some rules of the game and I did however step in and say enough! This is our home and it is to be a positive happy place. My words to you both take it outside but not in my home anymore. Faces were made at each other and behind backs in childish ways and there was a lot of anger in the words. It made me upset that this was even going on in our home (RV) that night and also because this weekend was meant to be a good weekend. So daughter(Marsha) and Don(dad) - never again in our home here please! I just want so much for these fences to mend with his kids and their Dad...there is to much lost time already. Your Dad isn't getting any younger. I just felt like this sign right here

because of Don and his daughter were having angry words with each other. all because of a stupid game. Think about it you too - kinda dumb to get mad over that eh! We are ALL to make GOOD MEMORIES TOGETHER "NOT" bad negative ones. Mending fences is hard after all these years and tough at times but we are ALL working on it and things will improve! There is always a light at the end of every tunnel! I even found out that there is various ways of playing Phase 10 and everyone has their own way of playing it. Everyone was silent after that and then Marsha went to bed early. I believe there was a lot of hurt feelings this night. But I will stand my ground and I will tell it like it is. My peaceful home, My positive thinking home, No negativity is allowed in our RV...My thoughts this night if it continues there will be no more. Keep your negativity at bay please! We have fun times and I would like to keep it this way. Wouldn't you? The rain made everyone grouchy it seems. It rained off and on that night and it was cool all night long.

Little stressful that night! We all survived it!
Saturday came along
In the forecast!
That is when were suppose to go fishing with Mark & Marsha. But my best friend Kris came out to the campground to visit.
Then later on there was to be a band playing "The Porch Dogs" Kris came back for that, but we didn't do any dancing this night. While waiting for them to set up Mark & Marsha sat with us for awhile at the Backwoods Saloon.
Then later on we had a campfire and sat around it and roasted marshmallows. I LOVE mine BURNT! Yum! I tried roasting those small new chocolate mint marshmallows. They were pretty good!
Then for some reason Mark & Marsha had to go into town for something, for the life of me I cannot remember what it was. So it was just Don, Kris and I sitting around the campfire till she left for home.
This is what Best Friends do together when they smelling to much campfire smoke and are having lots fun being goofy!!!
Best Friends Forever!
Then after Kris left, Mark & Marsha were still not back yet and so Don & I went to bed.
More Fun Blogs To Come.......