May 31, 2011

Is she really Disabled? Why is Rusty a Registered U.S. Service Dog for Me?

I am a disabled individual that is required by a 
Medical Doctor to have  a "Service Dog" and his name is Rusty.

I am going to tell you a little about me first, why I need a service animal. 
Then you can read about Rusty's job below. 
While I lived in Arizona for a year and so many months. When I lived down in Huachuca City, I went to see a Licensed Counselor, in that time frame I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Tramatic Stress Disorder) due to the fact that I had many issues in my life that I had to deal with in the past. Many of them caused traumatizing stressful events in my lifetime. I also had a major car accident just seven days before 9-11. A great BIG 3/4 ton diesel truck had hit the side of my saturn, leaving the passenger side seat practically in lap and glass everywhere. and also embedded on the top of my head and my arms. 
I have had Doctors and Specialists tell me that this can be a V-E-R-Y Traumatizing experience to go through like that. I never really had a chance to heal from that experience. 
I am able to talk about this now and not be ashamed "WHY?" Because I am STRONG and I am a FIGHTER. Because this below is all behind me now. 

After the accident I went home and I lived in a Domestic Violent Relationship with my husband and there was all sorts of abuse that I put up with,  like for instance the fear of being burned with a lighter, and much more that I had dealt with. Till one day my little boy & I took off and never looked back again. We were divorced in 2004.
 There was also a time in my life - Way back in the days when I was a little girl once upon a time ago -  I was just a kid mind you,I was taken advantage of by someone that I will not mention any names (my family knows who it was now after all these yrs.) - I since then I have been effected by this terrible experience in some way or form. I held that secret all my life till one day I opened up to my Mom in 2010 when I lived in Arizona. So I lived with this emotional turmoil all my life since I was 9 or 10 years old. I was told not to say anything or this person would hurt me somehow. So I never did until now. That in itself is a very traumatizing emotional experience that I held in my thoughts for yrs on end. 
Can you imagine living with that fear all your life? 
I can and it has hurt some of my relationships because 
how I have been effected by it all. You would be too. 
Emotionally and  Traumatizing it is!
 " What matters is not 
the idea a woman holds,

                                                       but the depth at 
                                                      which she holds it."
As time went on I got remarried to a wonderful man in 2005. I still had not healed from my past, but I thought I could handle many things and thought I could heal on my own in time. Well I didn't and somethings bothered me all my life and even in this marriage too. My husband also has PTSD and when you have two people living under the same roof with PTSD, life can be very difficult. Once one triggers then the other person triggers too because they feel threatened, vise versa. the you feel S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D out!! and things don't get anywhere, things get out of hand, and things can get worse as time goes on.
"I believe that there is an explanation for everything, so, yes, I believe in miracles."

So when I lived in Arizona I knew there had to be a explanation for all that I was feeling and why I was feeling this way. I didn't even know what I could do about it or how to take care of it. So I went through some testing and questions and talked about everything that I had went through all my life. That is when my M.D. Doctor and my Licensed Counselor diagnosed me with PTSD. I have this terrible fear of being alone, driving alone, being in a crowd of people where it is way to noisy or making a fool of myself, I get panicky in stores, cars driving to close to me, people yelling and screaming at me, when people get up in my face, if I feel threatened, or put down, and much more.
"Before you judge me......walk a mile in my shoes." 
When I found out what it was called I did some more research on it and everything in my life seemed to fall right into place and I knew it all could go away eventually and I would be healed.
I  started going to a wonderful support group in Sierra Vista AZ and the group is called NAMI and I listened to a lot of people talk about things and I knew that I had some issues as well, but I had MANY supportive friends there that would help me if I needed it.  Even though I had that support with friends my counselor still helped me in many ways on how to deal with these types of things like I worked on learning to drive alone while I lived in Arizona. There was times that I still had to pull over and breathe in and breathe out and tell myself it was just anxiety and that it would go away, so sit here and relax. So I did and then attempted to drive down the road again. I never was able to drive long distances to go visit anyone because of my problems. I still have problems with long distance driving today but I am working on it. PTSD is a Mental Health Condition due to traumatizing events. Can it be healed? Yes with prayers from people you know and God to guide you. Plus professional help and ways to cope with your issues and your local support groups too.

 Due to my many accidents I now 
am legally Physically disabled.
In 2005 the week before Don &  I got married.
I was in a ATV accident and I hit a tree head on, As I hit the tree head on I was flying through the air, that is when Don was coming around the corner only to see me way up in the air like I was still on my atv holding on the grips, but I was in the air. When I came down my son just drove by and my left leg and foot hit the wheel of his atv and twisted it and then I flipped over in the air and I hit hard flat on my back in the mud. It knocked the wind out of me as I laid staring into the sky. Sore all over the place and especially my leg and my foot. Then Don ran over to me and same with my son asking me if I was ok as I still stared into the sky trying to catch my breath. They helped me up and my left side felt like it was cut off, but it wasn't. I got back on it and rode off. Never went to the ER or Doc and I wish I had then, but later after working at Country Terrace Assisted Living I noticed I was having tremendous pain with my left side and I eventually went in to have it checked out. turned out to be worse then I thought.
I was born with what  weird feet. My feet have a severe impairment with very high prominent arches. I sit and think about all the times in my life how I wasn't very good on my feet and at times I felt like I was going to topple over. I even remember that I was dizzy like and I would feel like falling over.
 Then one day in 2008 when my brother Kevin was up for a visit and it was hunting season and we went out into the woods to go straggle along with Don & my son "Mike" while they hunted. Then when we were going back to the vehicle, Don & Mike took off and left Kevin and I behind. I stepped into a 2 to 3 ft hole in the ground not knowing it was there. I fell down and it twisted my left leg and foot. I tried to pull out of it and I couldn't so my brother helped me back up on my feet, but I was in tears because it hurt so bad. We walked back and I was limping pretty bad but I said I was fine, truthfully I wasn't and I think he knew it. When we got back to Mom's (Don's Mother) house that is when Don's brother Frank (first responder) took a look at it and said to keep it wrapped and ice it or go to the ER. Never went - but on the day after Thanksgiving, Don had to rush me to the Doctors and they took a xray, They didn't find anything wrong but something felt like it was really twisted or broken because I could hardly walk anymore. By that time I had to get Crutches and had to stay off my left foot. Then as time went on I had to see 3 different foot specialists - one podiatrist ( which did a MRI scan on my left foot and ankle and that found 5 to 6 things wrong with my foot and ankle incuding the bone that goes to you big toe to your ankle, well it is twisted and laying over the top of my foot), Orthopedic specialist (to get custom arch supports made just for me), and  the other a foot surgeon (the foot surgeon only want my money needless to say - he wanted to fix something that couldn't be fixed and wanted to remove things from my other leg to make it work for my bad leg - but wouldn't that make it bad for my right leg too??). Then I was told I would be in a wheelchair someday. Time went on I was still having major problems with my walking, balance, and gait (I fell a lot and having troubles getting up off the floor by myself).  I was told to use a cane or keep using my crutches from the rest of my life and wear these wraps around my ankles and feet. I went to the cane because the crutches caused my Fibromyalgia to get worse and there is times that the cane does too in my hands,arms, shoulders, and in my neck with a painful strain. 
"You know you're an Arizona native when you run to the window just to watch a dust storm. "

Then we moved to Arizona and it was like a HUGE heating pad around my whole body and it felt SOOoooo WONDERFUL that all my aches and pains subsided for awhile till I got used to that climate. I still had pain all over then and it never completely went away. The only one thing that never at all went away was that STRIKING Pain in my feet and legs. So I met my new MD down there and he referred me to another podiatrist/Foot Surgeon and I found out that I had to have mid calf,ankle, and foot braces placed on my legs and feet for the rest of my life. They placed castings on my feet and up my legs and made my Ritchie Braces for me to wear - yes I like I said the rest of my life Ughhhh. I asked about surgery and they said after looking at my MRI scans from up in Wi. that they got a copy of and my reports and their present x rays of both of my feet - Dr. Montes said no way!! If I did surgery on those feet you would most likely sue me later on because they are NOT repairable. You have feet, ankles and legs of a 83 yr old lady and they will never get better and in fact they will only get worse and some day you will be in a wheelchair as the progress. that is when I asked about the Disease called Charcot Marie Tooth Disease again and he said yes you do have it and it is also a form of Muscular Dystrophy. I also found out that the hands and feet work together and that my hand tremors are part of Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, Guess what? I have had hand tremors all my life too along with these feet of mine. It is a Neurological part of MD. My left leg is also deformed and curving and that isn't good either. He said again use the cane and wear the Ritchie braces the rest of my life. 

One time down in Arizona when I was going through some stressful times in all the turmoil that Don and I were having with his Severe PTSD issues and where he triggered mine as well. I took a bad fall, as I was reaching up to get the cat My legs & feet gave out on me and I fell back hard into the bathtub and I twisted my left side once again and I hit my head really hard on the back of the tub and I saw stars in my vision. I managed to get up right away as my dear friend Sandra was there to help me up. I once again said I was ok, but truthfully I knew I wasn't. Then that is when she and I drove down the road and the police officer that we talked to said that she had better get me to the ER right away. So she took me there and I ended up with a bad concussion and a bruised up body and once again a twisted left foot, ankle and leg.

 I am now back in Northern Wisconsin where this weather is KILLING me with widespread pain, Extreme severity of my Trigeminal Neuralgia and Atypical Facial Neuralgia, Fibromyalgia and much much more aches and pains. 

We miss the heat and dry climate. what a difference that made on my life. My husband is also in a lot of pain as well as I am. We are both looking forward to moving back to the dryer climate. 
My medical doctor
One day last fall I went to see my Medical Doctor (The one that told me I was permanently disabled for the rest of my life). I told him about my issues with PTSD and that I was diagnosed with that in AZ. and he agreed that I had it and he didn't know for sure but he thought I did back then when I lived in N. Wi. before. So he also noticed my NEW braces on my feet, ankles and legs. He didn't like how my leg was still curved and he noticed that is was really progressing. So he had asked me if I have had any falls or such, I told him about all the falls I had and he said ok, this is what YOU are going to do. Yes you can use your cane but I am requiring you to get a Service Dog for Gait and Balance and this Service Dog can & will also help you with your PTSD too. Yes I have it on paper that I need a Service Dog and the Doctors signature. Doc said that this Service Dog needs to be with you 99% of the time and wherever you go, whether it be a family home, to a store, bathroom, restaurant, or etc. This dog needs to help you get up off the floor, help you retrieve items so you do not have to bend over and needs to sense your attacks before you do and be there for you all the time
. You need a "Assistance Dog."

This dog needs to be your living walking cane for the rest of your life.
 I did some research on Service Dogs on my own and I found a company that would help you get the help you with your needs and much more. Can - Do - Canines.
You can also train your dog on your own as well, by doing researching on the how to's. I have been very lucky with Rusty - he has really picked up on that I need assistance in many ways, from walking, helping me get up off the floor, retrieving items for me, he also picks up on my anxiety before I do and he redirects me when I am depressed or when I am crying because I hurt so bad. 
So I decided that I would do all this training him myself with him. It took me 4.5 months to finally train him for the things I need him to do for me, but needless to say Rusty sure knew on his own that I needed help and he picked up on it himself and knew right what to do for me. 

Now presently May 31, 2011 I am waiting for my NEW leg and feet braces to get done. They will be up to my knees now. My orthopedic put castings on my legs and feet again, because my legs once again a progressing bad still. There will be another time that I will have to go back in again and again to get more castings done and so there is a future for me to get more braces done especially for my left side. They still tell me that they are trying to make it so I won't be in a wheelchair someday and that it could happen. 

He is now Registered under the US Service Dog Registry
You can look him up if you would like to, just leave me a comment in the comment box with your email and I will give you the number to type into their look up box on the site.
 Why is Rusty my Service Dog? 

The answer is simple
Because I am legally required to have a Service Dog stated and signed by my own Medical Doctor. I have troubles with Gait & Balance, so he helps me with them. I am also required to have him for my PTSD, and my Depression issues as well and also to retrieve items for me and redirect me to change my focus on something else. Whether he has on his gear or not he is still working to assist me in many things.

Is it a law to be Certified or Authorized to be a Service Dog? 

You do not need to certify or get a dog authorized to use as a Service Dog - nor is a certification required by law. The privilege to use a Service Assistance Animal is granted, under the law, by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and local governments. You must qualify under the ADA to use a Service or Assistant Dog. 

What is a Service Dog?

The US Dept. of Justice defines a Service Animal through the American Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal specifically trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. If an animal meets this definition, it is considered a Service Animal regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government. 

Service Animals perform some of the forms and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. Guide dogs and very well known because they help the blind people. OTHER specific terms for specialized service dogs include Signal Dogs, for the deaf or hearing impaired, Mobility Assistance Dogs for walking, gait & Balance, Seizure Response Dogs, and Psychiatric Service Dogs like ptsd, anxiety, and other Mental Health related issues. The terms "Service Dog" "Service Animal" and "Assistance Dog"" all mean the same.

Service Dogs can benefit people with disabilities 
associated with many diagnoses, including: 
* Ataxia (poor balance)
*Deafness or Impaired Hearing
*Cardio/Pulmonary Disease
*Cerebral Palsy
*Physical Impairment (substantially limits a major life activity)
*Physical mobility Issues
*Mental Impairment (substantially limits a major life activity)
*Muscular Dystrophy
*Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.)
*Psychiatric Disabilities
*Seizure Disorders (Epilepsy)
*Spina Bifida
*Spinal Cord/Head Trauma

Why shouldn't you pet or distract a service animal while it is working? 

If you talk to or pet a working dog it will distract them. They've got enough work to do without worrying about avoiding the hands of well meaning strangers. Even when it looks like they are relaxing at their handlers feet, they are still very watchful and alert. Their handler may be depending on them for their lives.

You cant pet it while it is working because it can't be distracted, 
but you can pet it when it isn't working.
Most folks who have service animals are very happy to share about how their service animal has impacted their lives. But, you should always ask if you are allowed to say "Hi". You should never touch a service animal without asking the handler/individual/owner first, even when it is not working.

Additional Information: 

One just isn't protecting there dog from other people or children.

No matter how cute a dog may appear to be, people need to exercise restraint when it comes to petting someone else's dog. Even if the dog is not a service animal you should ask permission from the owner/handler before touching it. Every dog, like humans, has a different personality. You could get more than you bargained for from the "cute little puppy." A dog may interpret a hand moving toward it as an act of aggression and will react accordingly.

What is not considered as a Service Dog and cannot be Registered? 

Therapy Dogs, Search & Rescue Dogs, Forensic Dogs, Police K-9's, Military Working Dogs and other types of working dogs are NOT Service Dogs.

Is a Service Animal a pet? 

No - it is a service animal, even when not working. 

How can you tell if they are a Service Animal and not just a pet? 

Some, but not all, service animals wear special collars and harnesses. Some, but not all, are licensed or certified and have identification papers. If you are not certain that an animal is a service animal, you may ask the person who has the animal if it is a service animal required because of a disability. However, an individual who is going to a restaurant or theater is not likely to be carrying documentation of his or her medical condition or disability. 

What must I do when an individual with a service animal comes to my business or any home residence? 

The service animal must be permitted to accompany the individual with a disability to all areas of the facility where customers are normally allowed to go. An individual with a service animal may not be segregated from other customers or others.

I have always had a clearly posted "no pets" policy at my establishment. Do I still have to allow service animals in?
A: Yes. A service animal is not a pet. The ADA requires you to modify your "no pets" policy to allow the use of a service animal by a person with a disability. This does not mean you must abandon your "no pets" policy altogether but simply that you must make an exception to your general rule for service animals.

My county health department has told me that only a guide dog has to be admitted. If I follow those regulations, am I violating the ADA?
A: Yes, if you refuse to admit any other type of service animal on the basis of local health department regulations or other state or local laws. The ADA provides greater protection for individuals with disabilities and so it takes priority over the local or state laws or regulations.

Can I charge a maintenance or cleaning fee for customers who bring service animals into my business?
A: No. Neither a deposit nor a surcharge may be imposed on an individual with a disability as a condition to allowing a service animal to accompany the individual with a disability, even if deposits are routinely required for pets. However, a public accommodation may charge its customers with disabilities if a service animal causes damage so long as it is the regular practice of the entity to charge non-disabled customers for the same types of damages. For example, a hotel can charge a guest with a disability for the cost of repairing or cleaning furniture damaged by a service animal if it is the hotel's policy to charge when non-disabled guests cause such damage.

I operate a Public Transportation or my family car and I don't want animals in my taxi or my car; they smell, shed hair and sometimes have "accidents." Am I violating the ADA if I refuse to pick up someone with a service animal?

A: Yes. Public transportation or family members may not refuse to provide services to individuals with disabilities. Note: Public Transportation companies are also prohibited from charging higher fares or fees for transporting individuals with disabilities and their service animals than they charge to other persons for the same or equivalent service.

If you have further questions about service animals or other requirements of the ADA, you may call the U.S. Department of Justice's toll-free ADA Information Line at 800-514-0301 (voice) or 800-514-0383 (TDD).

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