Yep I almost forgot to show you these good times on our ATV's. I can't forget these times! Our favorite thing to do INDEED! So what are we going to do in Arizona? Ha! Go ATV'ing that is for sure! Plus we are going to hit the sand dunes! Ya can't beat that! Yeah!!! Ha! I am a Tom Boy at heart! :-) We are looking for a nice AZ ATV group to get involved in down there right now!
This is a day that Don, Myself and Rusty went ATV'ing to Birchwood on the 9 mile loop. We had a great time. :)
Heading over to Birchwood Wi.
Just a place where we like to go fishing at in a creek/river

People having fun in the water.
Don having fun on the sand hill!
Don having fun!
Rusty watching
Me go up there? Nahhh - to high & I would get stuck!

My Best Friend Rusty!
My side kick!
What's up here?
Oh no a drop off!
Backing down...Lauri...don't go that way! *laughing*

Don having fun & trying to coax me into going up that hill.

Ohhhh I don't know! Should I or shouldn't I? I drove around the circle several times before I .......
did it!!!
Yep I did it...but I almost hit a tree up there as I was spinning around the corner.
We try to go ATV'ing when we can. We really haven't done much of it this summer like planned. We did go on a Poker Run with Whitetail Ridge Campground and that was a blast too. Don won prizes.
Photos: below of the Poker Run
Starting at the Backwoods Saloon at Whitetail Campground

Yes this is everyone that went on the Poker Run

This lady was really nice! Can't remember her name.

This guy right here his name is Don (Not my Don) Don here is from AZ & he has a season site at whitetail. :-) Very sweet man and our friend.

Don & Don hhahahaha
The gal in the navy blue shirt is Tammy & the guy in the Red shirt is Jeff. This is Ashley's parents. :-) The owners of the campground.
The end :-)