August 12, 2012

Birds of a Feather

Well I have to say this blog is way better then the one I just last posted. This one is one of my favorite past times to do. :-) 

It is called "Birds of the Feather" 

Yep you got that right! I am a big bird watcher!! 

I love to feed the birds tupence a bag (Mary Poppins).... no now seriously...We do feed the birds. And what is the worst thing to happen is to wake up the next day and see all of the stuff is gone! LOL Yep da bears have been in the area! We have BIG BIG BEARS in this area! They just love the bird feeders that everyone places about! 

 We have seen so many different kinds of birds since we have been here. Just like we saw many different birds in Arizona too. I just want to show you some photos of my notice I say my birds. If they are on our feeders they are my birds at that time. LOL Enjoy!!

Northern Waterthrush
White Breasted Nuthatch

Hairy Woodpeckers

not sure

Golden Finch
Baby woodpecker

Baltimore Oriole

Ruby Throated Hummingbirds
American Redstart
Brown headed Cowbird
Scarlet Tanager
Cardinal & his female too.

Here are some other birds I have seen in our area, maybe not on my bird feeders but in the campground or the surrounding area too. 
Red tailed hawk
Great Blue Heron
White Swans
Killdeer (these are mean to humans)
Bald Eagles
Grouse - We hunt these).
Sandhill Cranes
Wild Turkey

I am sure I maybe forgetting some of the birds. Both Don & I love to see the birds and then look them up right away in our bird book and mark them off. 

My favorite BIG birds are: 
The Great Blue Heron  & Hawks :-)

Birds Vacation 

I sit here and gaze at God's blue sky
With white puffy clouds drifting by
And the vibrant green of grass and trees
And the flowers all bowing in the breeze

Then I look out across the peaceful pond
At the woods and the pasture just beyond.
And closer in, flying into view
The finch, the cardinal, and the bluebird, too.

In the redwood swing, I lean back and then
Enjoy the melody of the wren.

The whir of the hummingbird darting by
The sight of the buzzard, floating high.
The robin defending its hidden nest
By chasing away the cowbird pest.

I sit out here and swing along
As I listen with joy to God's nature song.

And as I listen to each trill and peep,
I close my eyes and fall asleep.


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