April 23, 2012

The Change

Well I have made MANY changes in my life since 2010 and all for the GOOD! Even my own Counselor believes and has told me that I am doing EXCELLENT! I have come along way baby! I have made some pretty enormous steps forward in my life and only to better myself and make things right in life. Many have seen and know my changes. I am different and a GOOD & POSITIVE Difference I have made.

One thing though, I have made some difference in my hair. I was growing it long for the longest time and it grew F-A-S-T! The length got down to my shoulders and my bangs got past my nose. I haven't had bangs that long since 8th grade. I love long hair & it looked great on me once again. I have natural curls and waves when my hair is long. I was one of those lucky people that never had to have a perm. I was so excited about going to AZ this year and showing off my new style with my long hair and all.  I wanted to surprise many down there with my new look. So here is my surprise on my long hair and I just couldn't wait! (Photos)

These it was really starting to grow (above photos)
I have to admit I had no idea how to style it because I had short spikey hair for years. There were times that I just wanted to pull my hair out. *laughing*

Then it grew longer.
I could not live without my pink streak. 
Why Pink? I have been asked this? 
For one I have always had pink in my hair. I am unique and one of a kind!
I am ME, this is ME. 
I am different! Creative! An Artistic on hair and on paper!
I am a Artist!

My favorite quote & motto:
*People are different & different can be good*
I am being goofy! I am such a happy person!! & my wonderful husband! 

Then finally it got even longer!!
Yep there is the surprise!! That is how long my hair got!

I remember my sisters words "Lauri just keep letting it grow and once it grows out you don't have to worry about it anymore." :-)

But one day I went to see my hairdresser in Rice Lake. 
at Fantastic Sams in fact.
(she is behind the counter there with the blue streak)
Bailey is her name.

Well I have to admit I loved the long hair but it got to stringy and I just couldn't take care of it like I should have been able too. My arms and my hands up here in this cold weather hurt to much. So Bailey asked what I wanted and I told her not real sure but be creative. It isn't everyday that someone sits in your chair and says "Just be creative and make it look good." I know that from previous experience as being a Professional Hairdresser for 18 years. I had a few myself and those are the fun ones to do. So I let her be 
Here is the starting process. It was a two step process to get it accomplished.

Here we go:
Oh my gosh what am I doing placing my silly photos on the internet with all my hair in a baggie and wrapped up in tinfoil too. We used bleach and also colored my hair darker then my natural dark hair at the same time. Don't I look cute? *Laughing*
Then I sat there for about 30 to 45 min. So what was the outcome of that?
Oh my I look weird! LOL
But there you have it *without it being styled* the flat look. 
Now if it was styled like this it would look pretty good too. But it wasn't done yet. That was the first process. 
Now for the next process. The **WILD** process I call it!
The creativity starts here!
Oh my gosh what is she doing?!?!
No way not that color!!!

Well people like getting tattoos for their own reasons because it is art.
Well some people like getting wild hair colors in there hair for their own reasons because it is being creative too.
I sat there for another 30 minutes and some of it was Dryer time to make it more intense and to stay longer. You know Semi Permanent!
The things women do to look beautiful! Well I guess guys sit under here too at times. 
So I finally was all done! I was so happy with the results and I was so tickled pink, I had been happy all day after this. Thank you to my hairdresser Bailey! You are such a totally awesome hairdresser!! I have all sorts of FANTASTIC comments about my hair! I have only had one person that was like Why Pink? & that he almost literally fell over when he seen me he said. Hmmm but he likes to get permanant designs needled into his arms and those are permanent and they don't go away. My answer to Why Pink? Is and always will be I am unique and I am ME. I love me! I love being creative! It is only hair and hair grows out and if you don't like it do something else the next time. The pink is only Semi Permanent and it washes out in time. Hmmmm next maybe purple? I totally LOVE my hair, my Husband loves how it makes me happy and I smile more. He loves it how I always have fun with my short hair. He always tells me to go for it so I do!
My Mom even thinks it is BEAUTIFUL on me even and I have many friends that love it!!
Why short hair? 
I know I know some of you like my long hair on me better. But then again you don't live inside this body and don't have to deal with my hands, wrists, & arms either. It is so much easier for me to handle it and I look good in either long hair or short hair. I have been blessed with a gift of being Me and being creative in all sorts of ways. So why not use it! Wouldn't you? 
The top
Is totally Awesome!!

~Being creative is good for the soul~
~ We are all unique..that's what makes us all so beautiful.~
My Husband, My Mama, & Many of my friends love it!
I am still ME inside this body even though I have Pink in my hair. 
I must admit I am different inside and more positive about life! 
Life is to short! 

I am so sick and tired of looking in the mirror everyday and seeing someone who has hidden the *real* me. Who always deals with pain, but will still smile. So it was time to be set free and open up the door and let the *real creative ME* shine. 

About ME:
Time for your daily reminder....
That's all about me! You may now continue on :)

Me? Weird?!?!
I 'm a Limited Addition!!

Some Things that I have learned:

~The key to forgiving others is to quit focusing on what they did to you and start focusing on what God did for you~

~In perfect Love, in perfect trust.~ Wiccan Law

~Do as you will..Harm none~ Wiccan Rede fullfill

~ I have no more room in my life for negative, ignorant, drama seeking people.~

~It takes more strength of character to forgive than to be bitter.~

~Never hold a grudge....You are hurting yourself more than anyone..One day, You will look back and realize that you've been extremely FOOLISH. it is called *FORGIVENESS*~

~The past is gone...Today is the present day...and tomorrow is the future and it isn't here yet.~

~Forgiveness brings freedom for the soul~

~ Look beyond my eyes and see my beauty ~ Listen beyond my words and hear my heart~ Feel beyond my body and touch my soul~

~Life can only change if you take the initiative to make a change. Stop wishing, hoping, & desiring for change without ACTION! Step out on FAITH & make a change.~

~"We are all on different paths that eventually will lead to the same place. We simply are all at different stages in our development. We all get there eventually, so the thought that one is better than someone else is actually inaccurate. You have to work to nurture the correct attitude if you're going to advance spiritually."~

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