October 25, 2012

Early Trick or Treaters

 Oh we had one heck of a night the other night. We had EARLY Trick or Treaters!! No joke!

I was woke up to the sound of Crunch crunch crunch crunch and crunch outside. Yes I am that light of a sleeper. :(  So then I heard Rusty growling and then Mr. Slinky was up on the chair looking outside and he was growling too/ I thought what the heck is going on!! "Knock it off you two and everything is ok, go to sleep." Well that didn't work at all. Then I heard the crunching more and more. I thought oh my gosh what the world! I got up to see what it was, low and behold there was a dark figure outside our side window by the table. I looked at the creature that was crunching. That is when I said oh my oh my Donald look at this out your window. He said oh man they are eating on something! Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! I said to Don, you should have listened to our neighbor when he was talking to us last night when he brought those eggs over. LOL He told us that when he seen all of stuff outside he thought these kids (yes he called us kids lol) don't realize what is going to happen. So last night he told Don that we need to watch out with our mat and etc stuff out there because of the Javelina's that come around. Don and his "Ah that won't happen or nahh our stuff is safe - you know the one he knows it all. lol Well our neighbor told us if that is cat and dog food they will go after it even though it is in the closed container because they eat only grains and such. He said well I am just letting you know, because we have been here for awhile, plus the office had to rip up all the fake green lawn carpet on the miniature golf course because of the Javelina's eating it. (What had happened was the bean pods that fell off the trees on to the carpet, so as they were eating it they ate the carpet too because it smelled like them.)

Don never moved the buckets of food and he said that everything would be ok.


We had early Tricksters!!!! *Laughing my butt off*

Check these photos out!
 These were seven kids dressed as Javelina's (Pronounce: Have- a-lean-nas)

This one got spooked out by a noise that Don made with a water bottle.

This one was laying out on the cement slab guarding the area( This one was the BIGGEST one out of all 7 of them) - Papa! 

Please don't eat my flip flop! (They never did)
This one was selfish!
This one was the Mama and she had two babies behind her.
Sniff Sniff Got anymore goodies for me? 
Come on let us have some too!
These two were grunting loudly and were mad at eat other I suppose. Can ya tell! They were fighting over the cat food! 

Just to let you all know, these animals STINK! They smell like they have been laying in a puddle or urine. YUCK! It actually made me gag! And you could smell them coming up to the RV too. 

We were informed that do NOT let Rusty or the cats outside when they are around. They will take down a Dog especially! So we have been making sure they are not around when we need to take him outside. We were also told to be careful ourselves because they 'could' charge at us. So far since that night we have put everything in the shed that is on our lot for our use. Have they come back since then? Oh yes and they are smart too. Like my Mom said "They will be back because they knew they got food there." Yep they were back several times. Last night there was only one that came back. I talked to it from the window and said no more food for you and it ran. LOL

I looked at Don and I said, "I think I would start listening to our neighbors ya think?" "They have been here longer then we have." I also said, "Ya know it was different when we had a chain link fence in our yard in Huachuca City and now we don't." Don said "Yep I should have listened, I really didn't think that would happen." 

The joys of learning to live with the desert wildlife again! 
Where ever you live on this earth, no matter where you are, what state you are in, you need to learn to live with all kinds of different wild life, whether it be here in AZ or WI or wherever. You learn the pros and cons and how to respect the wildlife anywhere you live. 

We have seen Lizards (small) and Javelinas, Fox, Cattle, and more.

I just know that my Close friend Dorothy said to me "If you are walking around and you are near our house, if you run into the black bull and HE sees you. Whatever you do jump our fence!! Because he has horns and he will at you! He is not afraid! But you better be! 
I have not seen this bull yet!
Thank Goodness! 


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