April 22, 2011


    Do yourself a favor. Take out a piece of paper and write down every wrong thing whose guilt still haunts you. The things you should have done but didn't. The things you shouldn't have done but did. Write down every bit of anger that you still harbor against God, yourself, and others.
    Then write the words "PAID IN FULL" in red letters across that paper. That is the literal translation of the heart cry of Jesus on the cross when he said "It is finished!" (John 19:30) it is our Lord's exclamation point to His sacrificial death that paid the complete penalty of death for our sins.
    It is over.
    Now take that paper and do something with it that will stay in your memory. Trample on it. Rip it to shreds. Burn it. Tie a rock around it, go out in your boat, and throw it into the deepest part of the lake. Whatever you do, know that you are only acting out symbolically what God in Christ has already done for you, by grace forever.
*Prayer to pray*

   Dear heavenly Father, grace and truth came through Your Son, Jesus Christ. And I received His fullness, grace upon grace. I don't want to be like the nine ungrateful lepers who were healed but never came back to express their gratitude to Jesus. So I say "Thank You, Lord!" for the grace and mercy you lavished upon me in Christ. Make today a landmark day for me so that I will never forget the forgiveness that is mine in Him. Give me discernment to recognize the accusers lies, by which he seeks to drag me again into the gutter of guilt. I renounce all his deception and choose to believe the truth of what You have done for me. Heal my damaged emotions, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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