September 15, 2011

We Did it! we finally bought our little home on wheels!

To many of you that knew we were looking for a home on wheels. Well guess what happened this week. WE BOUGHT ONE! Yeaaaaaaa!
It all started on Wed evening when we HAD to stop and look at these motorhomes at a tent sale in town. LOL Don was pretty persistent about it and so I had no choice because I was already in the truck. lol So we stopped and I myself fell in love with this motorhome instantly. we have been looking all over for one and some that we looked at NOT at this sale were smelly, moldy, leaky, ugly, and just raunchy. So this one WOW I fell hard for it instantly. It is beautiful and clean and no smells! Yesss I thought! But I wondered if we could get it. I have to admit at first I was nahhhh we won't be able to get it because we HAD to file Bankruptcy in AZ before moving back here (we didn't want to do it but we had NO choice in that matter - no jobs - no money on my end either- nada - so we HAD to).  So my negatives were talking and thought nahhhh we can't do this and so I was like well we will see what the outcome is, so try it. I hate the negative thoughts, So I prayed and had a conversation that night "Lord maybe we can't do this financially, then maybe we can, then maybe Lord I don't want this actually, what are we going to do with this BIG thing Lord, then I said well Lord if you think we can manage the payments and everything that goes with it then you will let it happen, so Heavenly Father I am leaving this ALL in your hands and I won't sit here and worry about if we can or can't and it will be in your hands and not on my worry list - in Jesus Christ my Lord & Savior"
So my prayer was answered and I told Don, I believe in my heart since the day I moved back to Northern Wi. God has given us as a couple many trials to see if we could handle being together again and if we would make the right decisions with His help. Many of Our prayers have been answered after we left everything in His hands. This is one of them, because it is a big financial decision to make.

Where did we get it?
We bought it through Links Ford in Rice Lake, Wi. at one of their tent like sales at the Red Cedar Mall parking lot. Great deal! and a STEAL at that too! They had a price tag set at $15,000.00 at first but then had it marked down too $11,888.00 for it. (then the bank got us a better deal even but I will tell you about it soon). They were also taken by surprise when after we signed papers to buy it, they found out that the millage was wrong (they read it wrong) *laughing hard* They thought it said 74,000 but that wasn't what it said was 14,000 miles on it NOT 74,000. Someone sure didn't have their glasses on!! hahahahaha oh well you snooze you loose!!! The sales guy even said "OMG WOW boy betcha they didn't even realize it was that way in the beginning." (he was a hired sales guy to sell at the sale. - that is how they usually do those things).

So anyhow they told us it was a year 2000 and we thought ok that sounds great and we never thought we would be buying in the year 2000's because they we always so spendy ya know. But we thought ok well lets try to see if we can get it anyhow. So it tooks days and we were stressed and sitting on the edge of our seats a lot during that waiting period with the bank. Our Sales guy was constantly bugging us about what the bank said and so on and so forth, he even constantly called us even all the way up to after 8pm on Thursday night. This guy was pushy and just NUTS! We ignored his calls because point blank we were waiting for OUR Banks call if we could get the loan or not.

FINALLY Friday morning (Note we started all this on Wed night) As we were driving into Rice Lake as we were driving down the road, this truck pulls up next to my side and he is honking and honking trying to get our attention...well he got it, I looked over and there he was!!! Our sales guy!!! OMGosh I thought, what the heck and Don said what is he doing stalking us now!!! We were like laughing hard and then I said well i guess you had better stop there before we go the bank huh. So we did and the sales guy came up and the first thing he said was "Hey, I am not stalking you or anything! I just saw your truck and it looked familiar and so when I got up next to you I saw it was you and so I honked." Ummmmmm okkkkkk then out of the mouth of Lauri myself I said out right "Wow were you reading our minds or our mouth or what." Leave it to me to say a sarcastic comment LOL so he chit chatted awhile and then we left for the bank.

So we had to get a few more things for the bank and we did, stopped there and dropped things off, bought full coverage insurance for it instantly, $508 for a year with Progressive not bad but if anyone knows of anyone else that is cheaper leave a comment below this blog please.

We were starting to get all excited because our loan officer said he had to do a few more things and he would be ready. So in the meantime I went to my appointment that I could not break and then at 3 pm we went to get the insurance and back to the bank. We found out when we got back at the bank our loan officer that we have dealt with for many years said that he got them to lower the price down more to $10,678.00 instead of $11,888.00 and then we found out it is not a year 2000 but a year 2001 instead with only 14,000 miles on it!!!! We said WOW!! That was Fantastic! We didn't even ask for that price change at all, God was working with our loan officer and Links Ford in this. We put $2,000 down on it in the Thank you Lord in Heaven for your good works in this!  *happy tears* So here we have it and we signed all the papers! Yessss we have our self a starter motorhome. It is a Class "A" R-Vision Trail Lite Mini Motorhome 25' 12,000 pounds (but it looks bigger then a 25') really cool!! We can't get it till Monday evening because they are going to pull it in the shop and check everything over to make sure everything is in good working order before it leaves there (which they should be doing anyhow). YESSSSSSsssssss!

Here are the photos to show you: ENJOY!!! I know we are going to also!!

In front of our house now :-) 

Now for the inside: 

Sky Dome in our bathroom
The bathroom is HUGE!

We do have a awning on it too but we are looking to either fix it or get a new one. :-) 

Note: to leave comments in the comment area on my blog you DO NOT have to be a member of blogger to do so. I would prefer comments be made here and not in email because I don't go to email often enough. Thanks :-) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look to switch ALL of your insurance to Metropolitan Life and Auto..David Shervey out of Chippewa Falls..after 30 years with state farm I switched and am saving 600 a year on two cars, home, and life AND I more than quadrupled my car insurance. Lauri call him and tell him Philip Schlosser told you to call