(Note: Click on photos to enlarge them)
Going Camping!
My first fall camping experience when all the leaves are changing and falling.The beautiful yellow, orange, and red leaves falling are so beautiful. Nothing like waking up and looking out the big window laying in bed and all you see is that bright blue sky and beautiful gold leaves fallings down to the ground "breathtaking." Yes it was cold outside like in the 30's when we both woke up, but it was nice and cozy here in our motor home. Fall is one of my most favorite seasons, wishing it was just a little warmer though, but then again the leaves would never be so beautiful then. I love waking up and looking towards the heavens and that is when I pray to my God that the day will be good.Nature is God's love. Our Father in heaven is the source of life, of wisdom, and of joy. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of their marvelous adaptation to the needs of happiness, not only of man, but living creatures. The sunshine, the golden leaves, the rain, the cold, the warm days that gladden and refresh the earth, the hills and seas and plains, all speak to us of the Creator's love.
So all weekend we enjoyed the beautiful views of God's artwork that he painted for all of us to enjoy. It was like a canvas that has been painted with a paint brush on all the tree's. This is what I cal the Creator's Artwork - My God's Artwork.
So Rusty and I went for lots of short walks this weekend so I could get lots of nice photos of the beautiful trees to share with all of you. Northern Wisconsin's trees have started early this year then last year I have noticed. The summers are to short here anymore for me. I struggle with the cold days and we can't wait to get back to Arizona. So why not enjoy what we can here with the beautiful seasons here. I am not talking about winter here ok - that sucks!
We left Friday in the afternoon and we made several stops along the way.
We had to go buy "Hog Wash." Yes I said hog wash!!
Why not start our weekend by drinking "Hog Wash!" *laughing*
I'm not going to tell you much about camping here because I have talked about it before. We spent time with our son Donald Jr., Don's brother Ken, and met Ken's friend Kim too. I much rather show you pictures of our trip and I will tell you after the photos what some things are and where. I just enjoyed this fall camping so much and the weather was gorgeous! God is Great! He knew that I have been depressed because of the weather lately and so he made it possible for us to make this fall camping trip in beautiful weather! So we could enjoy the fall leaves!
"God is Love" is written upon every opening bud, upon every spire of leaf. The lovely birds making the air vocal with their happy songs. The lofty trees of the northern woods with their smell of fall and rich colors of leaves, all testify to the tender, fatherly care of our God and to his desire to make His children happy. :-) We were very happy this weekend! Thank you Father in heaven for the glorious weekend!
Photos to share:
This one looks like it is on fire doesn't it!
All these above were taken near our campsite.
Beautiful eh!
Here is more to share:
We went for a walk with Don. No cane here but I did hold on to his arm while walking. Sometimes that is better then the cane ya know. More stable, plus I get to hang on to my honey. :-)
Was that a bear? lol
Let's have some fun in the leaves Mama!
Mr. Slinky Cat
Rusty watched Mama climb up the steps on the slide, so he did it too believe it or not. He even went down with Mama. Then he went up on his own again and down the slide again. He is our kid.
Pretty stream down by the park.

Sitting around the campfire with Ken, Don, & Donald Jr.
I miss my son Mike!!
This was growing on the top of a stump. I thought it was cool!
Mz. Sassie to you my friend!
Who me?
Then later in the day Don Sr. & Donald Jr. went fishing in Winter and I stayed back because I wanted to walk with Rusty and take pictures. All those leave photos above were taken then. They are simply gorgeous. So Rusty and I walked around the camp and then we came back. That is when I thought well I will see what Rusty does in the leaves on the ground. Here are the photos to show you that he had lots of fun!

I am gonna get it Mama! Watch!
Lets do the twist now! Oh yea I got it!
You going to throw more?
Strike a pose now ! Vogue!
Boy that was fun!
I Love Camping!
Resting is right *whew* that was fun for awhile.
I was suppose to stay calm this weekend my Puppy Dr. told me so, but a dog has to do what a dog has to do and that is have a little fun ya know. Does she expect me not to do anything or what? Give me a puppy break!!
She put me on human Benedryl because of the palette in the back out my throat got stuck cause I yodeled (Howled) when my Papa came home on Thursday and he creeped up on my mama when she was sleeping and I was protecting her. I didn't like it one bit, so I let him know it, but out of it all i screwed up my palette and it got stuck. I didn't do much barking this weekend and that is ok, mama likes that when I don't bark anyhow.
Tomorrow we are going home anyhow and then I will relax.
Going home now.
He says it drives better with no hands!!
Oh my gosh what a WILD RIDE!!!
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