Yesterday as some of you know I started early on my foam piece and my make up. Lets say I started at 11am and took till 3 pm to get my makeup done.first I had to glue on my cat nose and face piece to my face. I let it dry before painting. I was wishing that they had a hole in the nostrils so you could breath through your nose, but nope it wasn't made that way at all. I could smell adhesive and the foam piece strong for awhile and then it went away very little, but still had a smell all night long. So what I did I glued it to my face so there was a little opening at the base of it, still there was that smell *laughing* I even went to the point to get this blue raspberry slushee ice cream syrup to dab in there so I could smell something decent hahaha it worked for a bit but not long at all. I tried anyhow hahaha.
I am not sure if I told you all in the last blog how I made the whiskers or not. Don & I went to walmart one night and we looked for something that would work. we picked up a few items, first it was going to be these plastic pieces that kids would use to make necklaces. That would have worked we thought, but we went down father in the craft section and Don seen this twine like material for adult necklaces. So he bought that for me and I used tacky glue to make them stiff. It worked as you can see.
As you can see here I left it open just a tad underneath to relieve that smell and to breathe. It helped some but to much.
Then I started painting on my face...check out the transformation below:
Next year I am getting Cat Eye Contacts!! Didn't have them this year :(
Going to add more color to nose.
Did I have fun painting??? Heck YES I did!! I had my tunes going and I had a blast!! Wouldn't you?
That is all that fabric paint on my face too.
Ok well now you got to see the transformation with the make up and now onto MORE Transformation:
I don't think so! LOL
So after this transformation we went to Hayward LCO Casino for the Halloween Party and the Costume Contest. I registered and this was my number:
Yep I was the 2nd person to register for the contest.
So what did I have to do?
Well for one thing about the Hayward Contest, we went to it 3 years ago and we didn't win but after asking around what they excepted to see. We figured it all out. They are looking for people to play there part with what they were. They were also looking for the "Creative" costumes. Not the kind that you just slap on a mask and say here I am with my costume. You have to be very creative!! That I was!!! I was telling my Mom that I believe they already picked me out from the time I walked into the door. I had tons of people come up to me and say Awesome, Cool, WOW, and more! One even said here kitty kitty and I meowed *laughing.* I had one woman walk up to me in the middle and she said well you know you are going to win I just want you to know that, I said I hope so! All I can say is we had a great time. i played my part and I prowled around the place, I pretended to lick my fur and wash my face. Used my nails, rubbed up against my husband, Hung the rat by its tail in my mouth, and then went around and handed my rat to people like a cat would bring you your gift of praise. I did my part and it was a blast!!
Yummmmmy a Cat's Treat!
We had a great time at the Party that is all I can say! here are some photos of the party to share. I will tell you that there was a lot of different costumes there, some were good, some were terrible, some were scary (a few I didn't even like), there was a green faced witch and it made me think of my good friend and what she told me but this witch was from Wizard of Oz. That klan was a character each from Wizard of Oz, there was even a few naughty costumes and I don't think they should have worn them there because it was disgusting. Sorry I just don't think that was the right place for a male & female part costume STUPID! Here in this next photo you can see Frankenstein but if you look off to your left in the photo you can see a man's penis *YUCK* What terrible costumes! I agree they should have done those at a home party not in public.
This Frankenstein 3 yrs old won $700 but I heard people say that he does this every year and so he wasn't going to win. Ya know what there was another Frankenstein there and here he is:
This one Won in the Men's Contest $250 :-) He didn't just stand still all night long like the other one did. This guy danced and had fun. This one had these HUGE boxed shoes. They were creative with his outfit.
Here is some more photos of people at the party.
The White bottle there was a Beer bottle.The box was those people in a picture frame with the pitch fork. I wish my camera was working better so I could have gotten a better shot of them in front. They were creative but they didn't win as a duel :( 

This is the Devil costume that gave me the creeps and they kept hanging around me there for awhile. ICK! The gal was a dead girl.

Grim Reaper - This is my Step Son DJ and he played his part also but didn't win.
My husband Don the Werewolf! He played his part too. But didn't win.
Here is more of Don's Werewolf costume.
I painted around his eyes with Red Face Paint.
Rusty believes that the werewolf is just another dog in the house. hahaha Don got down on the floor with his and Rusty played with him like he was playing with another like at the Dog Park. hahahaha It was funny to watch.
I got creative with Don's pants. I cut at the bottom of them, I cut holes in the pant legs and I sewn on the fur in the holes. I also painted the fur gray too.
Next year Don said that he would be a cat like me and yes he said he would wear a unitard too :-) This I would like to see eh! We will see. I have another idea for next year too but we will see. :) This would be my idea MAYBE
No they are NOT EVIL but they do serve the purpose to ward off evil. People have a misconception of these creatures. I Love them! They are so cool!
(Though gargoyles often have a fearsome appearance, their use is thought to be far more benevolent. The power to ward off evil spirits is a significant part of the mythological explanation surrounding gargoyles. Hellenic or Greek gargoyles are very often seen as happy or jolly characters and were a part of many public buildings. They could be seen mounted on the parapets of buildings or spewing water as part of a public fountain.)
But like I said WE WILL SEE! Now for the Grand Finale!
So did I win??? What do you think?
The highest money for a 1st place was $250.00 Do you think I got anything??
You be the Judge! Check it out!
I was so tired in this photo haha
I WON!!!!
I got $250 for 1st place of the Women's Contest!!!
There was a couple of women that came up to give me a BIG HUG and said that theyw ere so glad that I won and that I had the best costume of the night!!
The judges even before leaving came up to me to Congrats me!
Hi Lauri
What a great adventure for you and soooooo interesting to follow all your stes in design and makeup.
You are soooo talented.
I am just totally thrilled you won as you sure deserved it!!!!
Donny you looked great too !!!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Miss you guys! Have a funny time.
Mom Jacobs
Really awesome auntie! Congrats on the win too! =] You always have the best costumes!!!
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