I will keep this very short because after our ATV trip yesterday my right hand,wrist,arm, well my whole body is ajarred! Talk about exerise! Wow you move every muscles and bone in your body that's for sure!
First I need to clear the air here before I go any further...
Someone said to me one day that "if you are disabled you shouldn't be going atv'ing, snowmobiling, bicycling, and more activities like this." Ummmm wait a minute here! Who said that people like me are dead! We are still living here on earth ya know! We are human beings sometimes we pay for the play we did! Life goes on! Since when are you a professional Medical Doctor. If fact when are you MY Doctor? No I do not push a vaccum cleaner, no I do not do housework, no I do not wash dishes or do the laundry, no I do not rake the yard let alone do anything like that or more because those things I have been told not to do them by my MD and my specialists. But ATV'ing and those few other things I have been told by each one of them..try things and if they bother you as you are doing them, then by all means "Don't do them again, you have to know your boundaries and if you don't do them how are you going to find out if you don't." I even had a couple of docs say well at least you are getting some form of exercise. So please people if you think I shouldn't be doing what I have been doing all summer long and you are siitting behind your little desk and judging me for the things that I do, please don't because you have no idea what it is like to be in my shoes. I do what I can, when I can, when I am able to do them. These things only happen on my good days and my husband has to basically force me to get out of house so that I can be happy again. I don't want to hear it from any of you because you think I shouldn't be disabled and that I can go to work. My doctor knows all about me and what I have tried and what I haven't, I am under great medical care and your medical expertise is not needed. Yes sometimes I pay for what I do, like yesterday it was way to long on my ATV, so I learn make shorter trips or just don't do it at all. But guess what I am not giving up something that I love to do just because someone doesn't think I should be doing it, I go with what my body allows..that now is short trips because I will not give up my atv experiences. Please don't judge - we all struggle with our own health problems in our own ways. You have your own and I have my own. I deal with what I can and when I can.
Now on with my week & weekend:
I believe this is going to be our last beautiful warm weather week up here in the Northwest Wisconsin woods! What a wonderful week we have had! VERY NICE! The weather sure was Great! With temps from High 60's to 81 Degrees! Thank you Lord Jesus! We were sure blessed this week and weekend. So here I sit and work on my blog on a nice day outside already. 63 degrees it says here on my weatherbug stat on my MacBook Laptop and it will go up higher yet this afternoon. I hate to see it get colder, it is suppose to go down starting the middle of this week. Ugh - wellw e will have to take it as it comes that is for sure. The leaves on the trees are sure full of colors!! The popul trees in our backyard have practically no leaves on them (messy trees). That is something we sure didn't miss in AZ is the messy trees. thank goodness Don don't have to rake the leaves here! The Landlords are suppose to be doing that all, just like they shovel and plow the snow in the winter. (Maintenance free-you can't beat that.)
Good memory to remember:
I remember when I was a young gal and my Grandma & pa would take one of us kids each sunday to go out to eat with them after church. I remember going to Lake Geneva at some place to eat lunch. Then afterwards I remember Grandpa would drive down the Rustic Roads so Grandma & I could see the beautiful colors of fall on the trees. Grandma said Jesus was Painting the trees. I am so thankful that I had Grandparents that took the time to be with each one of us kids every sunday afternoon. I love them, right now they are up in heaven watching over each one of us kids. :-)
Now the Weekend Fun:
Don made a box for Rusty to sit in on the back of my ATV. We thought if this Amazing Wonder Dog could ride down on a river on a innertube, then he could do anything as long as he was by his Mama. Ok we now have a Official Red Barron Dog - do you remember Snoopy & Woodstock on the Peanuts? Well that is now Rusty! lol We just need to find doggie goggles and a Snoopy Red Barron hat for him. :-) Look for one on the internet for us if you find something let me us know. So here is that wonderful amazing wonder dog of mine!(Will tell the story under the photos now- if you want to see them enlarged for a better view click on the photos and it will make them bigger.)
My Handsome Wonder Dog!
Do you remember this clip?
I love the Peanuts!
I am ready to go Mama!
The Golden Trail because of the trees (Actually it is called the Wild River Trail)
Rusty the Amazing Wonder Dog hits the spot light on this Blog this time!
We were half way to Birchwood when this was taken.
WOW the wind was strong today!
I Love this photo!(above)
Nose trouble
Beautiful isn't it! This caught my eye before we headed to Birchwood. So on the way back I just had to stop to take this photo! (Near Haugen WI.)

The Birches
Giving Rusty time off the ATV.
That WIND was strong today! Every time Rusty sat up it was like he was a parasail.LOL It blew us everywhere and it was a fight!
But we made it through :-)
Rusty is a
I wonder what he is going to do next??
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