July 26, 2011


So what did we do on Sunday July 24th?
We had a hubby and wife day!!
We finally went and did something to ourselves.
We went on our ATV out in the northwoods!!

FINALLY a day to ourselves!!

We parked out at Ma's on Carl's land! In otherwords we dropped the truck off there and drove off the back of the truck. While Don helped his brother Frank I walked down to talk to Mom, Mrytle, Carolann, & Karen came out too. It was nice talking to the ladies again the day after the Christmas in July. I Love his family!

Then Don eventually came down to get me and then we left for the day. We started down the trail and then Don says "Oh my gosh I have to turn around I forgot something." I said "what did you forget." "I forgot my cigarettes!!" So I had him leave me at on the trail near the road and I would wait for him to come back to get me. So I stood there and the things that were running through my mind at the time were starting to spook me out some LOL. My thoughts were - oh boy what would I do if I saw a wolf LOL and then I thought well I will throw rocks at it!! LOL Then I thought no better yet I will take out this bathroom cleaner out of the bag and spray it in the eyes!!! LOL ( Had a bag of stuff to take up to Donald Jr. & Chrissy) Then I I thought well I could always open up the pine sol too!! LOL Then I heard the engine of my ATV and here comes my honey to save me from my wild thoughts!!! Thank goodness he came to rescue me!!! (LOL - means Laughing out loud by the way) Boy when you are all alone your mind starts to wander don't it!! :-)

So we start off down the Tuscobia Trail and we came upon a Doe and her two fawns (Twins) and then a hawk too. We had a wonderful ride, Don would speed up and then slow down. I'll tell ya I am not used to riding with him anymore and now I have to because Mike has the other ATV up in Alaska now. (Actually he is probably going to have to sell it :( He should have left it behind because we would have used it.) So now I am riding with my hubby once again.
We got up to Radison and I took over the driving - ah ha!! It was my turn and I enjoyed every minute of it hehehehehe!!! I told Don sit down and hang on! Be prepared for the fun!! hehehe Got your butt up on the seat now? Good hang on! I hit every mud puddle there was and we got muddy on our right sides. I am not like Don that is afraid of a mud puddle LOL - he is funny, he goes around them and I dive for them.
What did his Niece's  tank top say couple weeks ago "Mud makes me Horny" hahahaha I Love it!! I have to get me one too! I just seen another cool t shirt that I wouldn't mind getting also! Here it is:
Hahahaha that is totally cool! 

Well anyhow on with the story!
We finally reached our destination to WINTER after I got us wet & muddy haha.
Met up with Chrissy & Donald Jr. handed over the items that we brought up to them. They were happy to receive those items from us and everything helps when you don't have a lot of money to spend. Lesson to learn "SAVE YOUR MONEY" then you can do the things that Dad & I do too. So we talked to them for awhile and then got going again. 

We had to get gas and it only cost $6.00 to fill it up and then we had lunch at BP too. 
Then it was time to go again, we seen another Doe and he one fawn and another hawk with a white and black stripe on the tail of it. My FAV. Bird (HAWK). We stopped on one of the bridges that we had to cross and checked out the view.
Looking for Deer & Bear hehehe - he never knew I took this picture LOL

I look a little dusty and muddy here.

Then we went on the 9 mile loop. Don went around all the mud puddles and I have no idea why because he used to dive for them too. You can't tell me he is getting to old for this stuff hahahaha if you are then get off my ATV man and start walking!! LOL Just kidding! 

So then we came upon the sand area where ATV'ers like to play on the hill and try to climb it. ( My Dad tried to do this too once). All of a sudden he reved his engine with me on the back of it and drove fast to get up the hill - boy was I panicking then too. LOL Needless to say he didn't make it up that hill *whew* but I was hanging on for dear life practically hanging off the back of my ATV - well least I thought that! LOL So I got off and Don started to play some - trying to get up that sand hill! 

I think he is getting rusty at it, because he used to make it up to the top with his own atv which was a 2x4 also. hahaha You have to practice again don't you honey?! LOL

So after that we went down the trail more and had fun riding along the trail. 

My Honey looks great in a pair of shades!

Then we had to STOP because we got a little sidetracked 
by a BIG Bear growling in the woods. LOL 
Hahahaha This is a ATV Decal that I love!
Boy I know what your thinking!! 
You your mind out of the gutter!!

Then we eventually made it to the end of the 9 mile loop (Yes it is 9 miles long).
and back on the Tuscobia trail again!!
Then we went backed to Ma's 
Put our ATV on the back and talked to Frank & Jan again for awhile and then went home!

Had a Great Day Riding with my Husband and playing in the mud and in the woods!
Get your mind out of the gutter will ya! 

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