July 6, 2011

Our Home in Northern Wisconsin & Friendships

Summertime in Wisconsin is Hot and Humid from time to time. Last wk on Thursday and Friday it was terrible out in the 90's with 100% humidity and the humidity was so high it was like walking out in a HOT HOT steam bath. WOW it was HOT! 

Summertime is so nice here especially seeing all the wildflowers and wildlife too.
Summertime is great when you can go to Leesome Lake Campground and get up early and grab your lawn chair, sit down by the dock and listen to the birds sing while you grab your paint brush and paint a pretty picture of what you see out there around you.
When it get HOt it gets HUMID HOT though. There is a difference when it comes to the Heat in the midwest compared it to the Heat in Arizona. Arizona heat is DRY and the midwest it is damp and humid. There is really a difference. So how do I survive in our duplex? Well I don't open the blinds or windows even all day. (Today July 6,2011 was a nice day - no humidity that I noticed)
The Wisconsin Sunsets are just so beautiful!

Our Home
Thank Goodness this duplex is nice and cool in it and we haven't had to turn on the AC yet. We do however have a nice breeze that comes through here when we open our windows and the back door.
Then at times I open up the spare room window and that helps too.
This is HOME 
for the time being, till we get a motorhome. :-) 

In our home you are very welcome here, 
when you knock on our door you are welcomed with open arms.
(unless we aren't home hahaha) 

I know that I am without a truck/vehicle during the days Monday through Thursday and I really like to have visitors and that is something that doesn't happen enough around here. I miss my friends in AZ a lot! We did friends things together and we ended up being like family instead of friends. 

Photos below show you all the friends that are spending time with us here in WI. 
                                             The gang at the 4th ofJuly
                                             get together at Jay & Jenn's
Beau & Jenn
Jodi & Jenn

Jim & Lisa at the 4th of July Fireworks in Cumberland
Jim & Amanda camping at Leesome lake Campground
We have a couple of good friends that are like family and always have been like family and that is Jenn, Jason and the kids. I love them dearly!!  Right now we are building other good friendships with Jim, Lisa, & Amanda also good friendship with Kris  and hopefully Brian and their kids too. I also have good friends from Leesome Lake like Jeff and now hopefully I get to know his wife more too and many others at the lake. Oh yeah and I can't forget Wayne & Cheryl - they have known me since I was younger! So this is making it more easier to be happy here in Northern Wisconsin for Don & I. 
 Friendship is very important to me (Lauri) as much as my family is very important to me too. I know a lot of people work and they are busy with life. But it doesn't hurt to get out and spend time with people that love you and want to be with you. Friendship is a good thing - ya think?
 I believe it is very important to me because I always had these 2 Best Friends in Northern Illinois all throughout School and we did everything together and went over to each others houses, shop, drive around, and hung out. I miss those 2 Best Friends of mine so much and I wished we lived closer to this day. They are Jill & Laura - I Love you gals! They are my sisters more like it! I can never replace them with anyone else and our close friendship that we STILL have to this day even though we are miles apart.

But I am always looking for a few good friends here that isn't afraid to be seen with me out in public with my braces on and have my service dog right along with me. I am so thankful that these friends that I have right now have accepted me for who I am and what I have to wear and that I have a service dog that needs to be with me ALL the time. I thank the good Lord that I have friends that love me for who I am on the inside and what I look like on the outside. I still think I look Sexy in my shorts! hahaha (good sense of humor gets you a long ways in life)
Just because I have braces on my feet and legs doesn't mean I can't go anywhere or do anything. Just ask Jim - we went camping last weekend with him and his daughter and we all had a blast. Or ask Jenn & Jay - we went to a family 4th of July picnic with them and we also had a blast and I even got up to play the bean bag toss game too - I not crippled. Just because they labeled me as disabled person doesn't mean I am not able to do anything. I don't feel disabled at times either. You can lay in bed or you can get out there and do things that you want to do with your life. I would prefer to go do the things I want to do that are fun and good times. I am a fighter! 
I believe people are afraid to come over, I believe they are worried that I will just talk about why I am this way. Ummmmmm you are wrong!! I don't talk about it unless YOU ask - if you don't ask about it GREAT! I really don't care to talk about it anyhow - all I ask is that you just accept me with what I have and what I have to do to stay away from having to be in a wheelchair. That would be the highlight of my day if someone wouldn't ask me anything of all the why's :) I hate talking about it really! I could write a blog on on all my aches and pains and sob stories of when I feel down in the dumps, I could write a book on my life, but WHY should I? I want a better life then that!! I want all the positives in my life and no more negative thoughts. I am thankful that I am alive today and I am walking!!! That is all that matters to me the most! 
I have a lot to be thankful for! 
I just would like to be with more people that call me their friend. I love to go shopping or have a day out with a picnic or go to the mall, a movie, or etc. I hate sitting at home and doing practically nothing. When I am home all by myself - I get bored! I love to socialize with people in the general public. I miss those things. 
I am a great friend to be with, as I have a great sense of humor and I love to camp, walk some, shop, smile, laugh, fish, paint, chit chat, atv'ing, and more good stuff. I would love to share good things in life with a friend. 
Don is my husband and we do many things together, there is just that sometimes we need to get away from each other from time to time. I Love Don VERY much & he loves me too!

Our Home 
Since I am home all day long with nothing to do really I have turned out to be a neat freak - I am a perfectionist and there is no clutter. I have always wondered why my sister in law Lisa is always cleaning their house when it is already clean. But you know what I completely understand why she does what she does - we have to do something to keep going crazy with boredom!  Now our home is spotless. Even with 2 cats and a dog. We make sure there is no animal hair around - that is one thing I cannot stand. I Love our duplex and I just hope that someday I will have more friends that will stop by to visit me during the day or even when Don is home too. 


My Very Best Friend

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