April 13, 2011

God made me different and unique, 

I never ask him why. 
If I appear peculiar, 
There's nothing I can do, 
You must accept me as I am, 
As I've accepted you. 
God made a casting of each life, 
Then threw the mold away, 
Each person is different from the rest, 
Unlike as night from day. 
So often we will criticize, 
The things that others do, 
But, do you know, they do not think, 
The same as me and you. 
So God in all His wisdom, 
Who knows us all by name, 
He didn't want us to be bored, 
That's why we're not the same.

I am a Bisexual Female.
 I was born this way. 
God doesn't make trash...people do. 
Before you judge me, make sure 
you are perfect in every way. 
I have been Bi all my life 
since I was younger. 
I think both sexes are awesome! 
I don't always practice this lifestyle,
 for many years it has been in the closet. 
Don't worry friends of mine, 
if I was interested in you in this nature, 
I would have hit on you a long time ago. 
I know what the difference is between friendship and lovers. 
If any of you have problems with that then un-friend me. 
In my family we have family members
 that are interested in the same sex. 

Again if you got a problem with this, 
then this is YOUR PROBLEM not mine. 
Have a Good Day! 

I'm Special.

In all the world there's nobody like me. 
Since the beginning of time, 
there has never been another person like me.
Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, 
my nose, my hair, my hands, my voice.

I'm Special.

No one can be found who has my handwriting. 
Nobody anywhere has my tastes-for food or music or art.
Nobody sees things just as I do. 
In all of time there's been on one who 
laughs like me, no one who cries like me. 
And what makes me laugh and cry 
will never provoke identical laughter 
and tears from anybody else. 
No one reacts to any situation just as I would react.

I'm Special.
I'm the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities. 
Oh, there will always be somebody 
who is better at one of the things I'm good at, 
but no one in the universe can reach 
the quality of my combination of talents, 
ideas, ability and feelings. 
Like a room full of musical instruments, 
some may excel alone, 
but none can match the symphony 
sound when all are played together.

I'm a symphony.

Through all of eternity no one will 
ever look, talk, walk, think, or do like me.

I'm Special. 
I'm Rare-
And in all rarity, there is great value. 
Because of my great rare value, 
I need not attempt to imitate others.
I will accept-yes, celebrate- my differences.

I'm Special.

And I'm beginning to realize it's no 
accident that I'm special. 
I'm beginning to see that God made me 
special for a very special purpose. 
He must have a job for me that no 
one else can do as well as I. 
Out of all the billions of applicants, 
only one is qualified, 
only one has the right combination that it takes. 
And that one is me. 
Because…I'm Special.     

If God had wanted me otherwise, 
He would have created me otherwise."

"The greatest success is being yourself."

"I make excuses for everything in my life, I’m not perfect and 
I’m glad because I think that would make me extremely boring."

"Why try so hard to fit in when you’re born to stand out."

"A life living by mistakes made from your own choices 
is better than a life living by mistakes made 
by someone else’s choices."

"In this world people are judgmental. They wont accept other people’s happiness because they don’t have their own. We must choose our own path regardless of what everyone thinks. Whatever path we choose is always the right one because God gave us the freewill of choice."

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