August 10, 2011

The first weekend in August 2011

Focusing on just the positive about last weekend. It is so nice to have the love of my life want to make me smile and laugh even when times are tough or I am in pain somehow. We would do the same for each other any day, night, morning, afternoon, summer, fall, winter, springtime, & anytime. Because our love is unconditional! 
I love you period Donald!!
With a lot of prayer we made it through the weekend!
{{Pray for Chrissy & Donald Jr please they need it.}}

The best times I had were with my hubby this weekend because he would smile at me and get me laughing when I with him in the tent, sitting in the chairs, or sitting down by the river. I love him so!
For my husband being in pain because of his neck & left shoulder and I know how awnry he can get - I was so proud of him for holding his temper all throughout the drama life we heard all weekend. He managed his PTSD too. =) Thank God in heaven! He did however say something to his son about if Chrissy didn't settle down that we were going to pack up and leave if this keeps up. DJ wasn't happy but oh well. Don got up and left and walked away with me back to the tent. Don held on to me tight and gave me the biggest hug and noticed I so stressed and  was strung out, he held me close and smiled as he looked deep into my eyes. So we decided we were going to shove the two down the river so we had some quality time together. We did and it was so relaxing! what more could you ask for to be with a husband that loves you period, Unconditionally!!
(no make up when i am camping it is called the all natural) 

My Love 

When I look into your eyes,
I can feel eternity.
It Shows, no surprise,
That we were meant to be.

With every single kiss,
There's a flutter in my heart.
Feeling's I can't dismiss.
God's work of fine art.

Every warm embrace,
Gives me an emotional high.
A love as delicate as lace,
But strong enough to never die.

Whenever I see your smile,
My heart melts inside.
More beautiful than The Emerald Isle.
Together our souls are tied

Each time I hear you voice,
The words I Love You and sound so sweet.
My soul begins to rejoice.
Without you, I would be incomplete.
**Author Unknown**
Our Love for each other is so POSITIVE!!
Great song!!! Relaxing yet Sexy!!
Put your earphones on and listen!

The other joy of my life this weekend is a rusty color and has fur all over!
You got it!!!
 He is such a good buddy!!
He finally learned how to swim in the deep water 
and he isn't scared anymore!
I couldn't believe it though he was swimming 
against that strong current though!!
WOW he amazed me!!
He was very tired after that swim!!
He is such a AMAZING DOG!!
(he is only 2 years old)
"I Love my Mama and Papa"

Then the other most favorite of ours is the 
 So Don hid in the tent from the others, I should have too, but I sat by the fire and stared into the fires casting all my stress into that fire! What is so more relaxing then sitting around the campfire staring into that flame and smelling the campfire smoke. To much of it though makes you cough LOL  I wish I had brought smores stuff this time but I didn't. I will NEVER forget the smores again! LOL
As I sat there staring into the fire it brought memories when us K kids were young LOL Here I will tell you a funny, well my brothers didn't think it was funny nor did my parents. LOL I remember sitting around the campfire and we had those punks to lite fireworks right. Well I was sitting there on the ground and do you remember those lawn chairs that had plastic ribbon on them, well I remember poking holes in them with the punk. My brother Kevin told me he was going to tell on me and I said you had better not. Well he was going to get up and I grabbed him and I said "You had better not." He started whining to get away from me and that is when I said "You see this lol if you tell how would you like another extra hole in your nose." *laughing my butt off* Oh My I can't believe I said that when I was younger! The outcome was He told anyhow and he never got that extra hole in his nose. *laughing* But I did get into trouble! The joys of camping at Leesome Lake Pine Campgrounds when we were little!
The other most amazing thing was and it was actually Chrissy and I talking this time about Scott and how she misses her step dad and I was telling her the good things about him too and we both ended up in tears and I had to tell her....let's not talk about this anymore because we if we keep going we are going to end up crying again so we stopped. Then a Butterfly appeared after we stopped talking about Scott and it really hung around a long time till we started doing something else and then it left us.
This butterfly sure hung around the table a lot and then hung around on our tent till it flew off into the woods.
The other most relaxing thing is to lay in the tent and listen to the rain hit the top of your tent. So peaceful and relaxing. One of Natures most Beautiful noises ever! 

Listen to the rain below - just press play
use your earphone to get the best effect
Ahhhhh sooooo relaxing! 
Then we took DJ fishing with us and went upstream to Springbrook.
Chrissy had a fit and she stayed behind because she 
didn't have a fishing license and has been fishing for 
awhile without one. DJ told her you use a pole then 
you pay your fine because I am not going to if 
you get caught. There is a LOT of National Park 
Rangers around this river so no way. Needless to say she 
had a hard time accepting that none of us 
would pay her fine if she got caught. 
I can imagine the FUN if we started up stream to go tubing down the River!!
We had a great time fishing with Donald Junior and we laughed and smiled and had a fantastic time going fishing with him even if we didn't catch a thing!!

Rusty says.....
Rusty's Quote about the weekend:

" Some people come into ours lives and 
leave footprints  on our hearts::
Others come into our lives and sometimes make us 
wanna leave footprints on their faces."

Rusty says you stress my mama out again, 
my bite is worse then my bark!


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